Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision

New York Marriott Downtown

The New York Marriott Downtown hotel can be global marketing. These hotel is directed to the upper class. In general the hotel can be advertize to all the markets, but only few can afford to come here. Who does not want to come to New York City? Is one of the most important cities in the world. Not a lot of hotels can be advertize everywhere and it will be good acceptance.

Capital Intensive :

Marriott Hotels use Capital Intensive in different areas of the company. In most of the recent hotels, Marriott has put a great emphasis in (Capital) investing in Technology Features that requires less labor input. Features that lower the interaction and requires more self help and self oriented work for costumers of the hotel.
We can see this in High Technology oriented Hotels that invest more in capital than in labor. This ideology is also reflected in other areas of the company. Marriott has invested and continue to put a aggressive advertising campaign for the Marriott mobile app and other features that requires less or no interaction with the Hotel personnel like the advertising campaign logo say " An app that becomes your personal concierge". Which puts a low no emphasis in labor. Marriott as a luxury hotel knows the importance of labor for the company, its worth and its vital role in the company success. But Marriott also know that to have a great personnel, the cost is high. This is why Marriott wants to replace as much as possible the role of Labor in the Company, because this will increase the revenue and lower the salary expense. Marriott is changing the hotel experience and is decreasing the relationship between customers and the hotel personnel. Marriott has a challenge in front because now has to see the results of how productive and accepted is that app. Marriott has to accommodate to what there customers of different ages and technology usage costumers prefer and use.

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