Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

New York Marriott Downtown

This is the process that we do to make almost every decision that we make. We go trough this process when we are making a decision to acquired anything, a service, product in a sense even when we chose to be a friend with someone.
The Need Recognition.

Marriott Hotel not only meeting the need of a room but also has to fulfilling wants. Since Marriott Hotel is a luxury good, the product is main focus is on the wants, more than the needs. Marriott Hotel does a great job on creating wants other than the needs. Marketing managers of Marriott Hotel have to work hard to compete and also innovate, not only to satisfy wants that the consumer already has or expects. But Marriott also has to innovate to create new wants that makes Marriott "the choice".
A costumer that is visiting the city, probable just needs a room to stay in at reasonable price. And any Hotel probably has that, but New York Marriott Downtown has so much more to offer.
New York Marriott Downtown know well how to create wants, commodities, and convenience. Marriott advertises this important division like no other. This hotel has one of the best views all around the world. The view that is worth millions. This division is advertise by its view of the statue of liberty a symbol that most of the hotels has a picture but never as the window view. Marriott is great for tourism, luxury and great for business because is right in the financial sector.

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