Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

Marriott Hotel

Marriott hotel also uses the personal selling as a important part of the selling. For those customers that are more comfortable speaking person to person and not dealing with a machine, the company has their representatives always available. If you have any questions or concerns about choosing a hotel or the hotel you want to go to, there is always a line waiting for your call. In concerns of planing a event in the hotel the sales person management is always available with the best disposition to assist their customers.  Marriott Hotel uses different kinds of sales managements concepts as customer-centric, interaction, learning, campaign management. Marriott Hotel is always seeking to enhance customer relationship and satisfaction for long term, trust, frequent relationship.
The Hotel is concentrated always in what their customers want, need, expect and went they want them. Marriott Hotel is known and their  business is to offer a up scle hotel service. The hotel customers are a strict in what they want and how mush are they are willing to pay for the luxury service that they demand.
Marriott is always seeking for the opinion and what is trending, what's on the up or the down. Marriott had to remodel must of the hotels because something that was need it and expected for, now is. With technology everything changes and more and more the life stile of the people. Now in the waiting room, meetings rooms, bars and restaurants people need and expect there to be charger and a place to plug the phone to charge it. This may sound simple but for these, it was need a reconstruction and a redesign of the hotels in general, just to accommodate to the customers.

 With more and more people following the trend to be healthy and to eat better, hotels don't just need a gym and "healthy" options, but a new concept. Marriott Hotel has started these campaign to be more healthy and offer a creative new concept of FAST FOOD for the growing demand that healthy has now. They advertise this campaign in the hotels that they offer these and also in the website. In the Campaign they say that "We worked with start-up Farmer’s Fridge to bring a real traveler's Concept TO LIFE.
Marriott is selling these campaign with two big trends right now, farmers food that are more healthy, fresh,not organic, and healthy on the go.
Marriott has in there website a list of the innovations that they are doing,. The Hotel has also an new social network for customers with similar interests is called MIT/MEL Partnership, and also bring to selected hotels a new machine that is like a virtual life perspective.

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