Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion.

Marriott Hotels when it comes to advertising use different technics to advertise different components of the company, service and always encasing the brand name.

Marriott uses the institutional advertising as a regular component of the advertising campaing always. 
Marriott Hotel always advertise the company name, the brand to enhance the company image. Marriott is always pushing the name, because that give the costumer to have the brand present and also have that feeling about the brand. Everything that comes after that initial feeling just goes along. And that is a good use of the resources that the brand has because when you advertise the name you are also advertising in general all the hotels. Is also true that the company has to advertise specific hotels as part of the advertising campaign
For Marriott hotel is important to advertise for the different services, etc. For Marriott is vital to advertise about the brand. For a big company as Marriott to invest in just advertising one hotel is not productive and will be a bad decision that will bad use of the company resources, and that also depends of the district hotel and if that hotel is the only one in that sector, things may change. Marriott hotel ha to advertise in two main stages, one campaign globally and another more sector to sector. Over all is more important to keep

advertising the company name.
Marriott hotels also advertise the feeling, the emotion, as well a the luxury, the business, and the creative. Marriott advertise broadly and also specific.

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