Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment


Global competition, Component lifestyle:
Marriott hotels  
Two key ideas in the mission statement of Marriott Hotel are, embracing change and serving our world, can help us understand, and are key components to explain global competition,  and component lifestyle with respect to Marriott Hotels.   
Marriott was only a hotel, then their mission was to expand through American. Now the goal to keep on serving our world, with an ambitious plan to expand, to have a bed for every traveler all around the world. Marriott hotel was an American company that for a period of time was only in the US and had competition with other hotels here. But now Marriott Hotel is entering the global competitions with hotels all around the world.

Marriott Hotel is a luxury base that is not just selling the service of a room, Marriott has much more to worry about. Marriott Hotel provides the luxury services and "products", they have to meet the need and the satisfaction of their customers. Marriott Hotel has present the component lifestyle when offering a service. The Hotel has to accommodate to the culture and has to always innovate because what may work in one hotel, it may be a total mistake in another place. For example serving meat in India can be a crime whether in America is totally fine. Marriott hotel has hotels all around the world, and has to accommodate to every place that it goes. It has to provide the services that the people need, the luxury services that are “expected”, but not only that, they have to innovate to provide the costumer with the Marriot experience and provide an experience that distinguish Marriott form the others. Because at the end that is the business and costumer that Marriott is serving to.

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