Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

New York Marriott Downtown

New York Marriott Downtown is a specialty product, because it has features that other hotel does not have. Is a hotel that is in the financial district of the world. Its location is a privilege one, is located near important attractions, business companies, and has the view of a million dollars. The hotel is meant for the tourists and is also a hotel for business people it serves both well, is great for business and pleasure. Is a location that is more expensive than other hotels in general, and also within the brand of Marriott, is more expensive. That is because is a product that is different to other Hotels. The location for this hotel means and cost a lot and that is reflected in the price and service. Is located right in the heart of the city most important companies. Is near the statue of liberty, the World Trade Center, Mall, many other important attractions.

These hotel also attracts another sub-group of people, the shopping tourist, these is a new model that is growing in certain cities around the world. The people that come to visit and also to buy good here because they are cheaper here compare to their countries. The people that come to buy things for them self's and also to sell. This hotel is ideal for those customers that come for those purposes and does not have to travel around the city to do their shopping.
These hotel is one of a kind it has all the attractions at its food steps, it has it all, because of the vast of things that you can do here, that is why is one of the most representative and important hotel for Marriott. 

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