Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ch. 15- Marketing Communications

 Marriott Hotel

Marriott Hotel uses the concepts of promotion, competitive advantage and mass communication as their plan to reach to its market. For Marriott is very important to show and advertise their competitive advantage. For advertising Marriott always uses their fines hotels around the world, Marriott always likes to show the innovations, the new infrastructure, attractions as the main ingredient of the advertising. These advertising of massive, elegant, innovated, and hotels in landmarks, creates as well a feeling of trust and the sense of a hotel that you will find anywhere, that you can make it yours for travel all around the world. In New York Marriott Downtown is critical in the advertising and communication campaign, to show what makes these hotel different and one of the most important hotels for Marriott. Is in New York City, in the heart of the financial industry, has the view of million dollars, and is close to Wall Street, to the 9/11 Memorial. To make a good use of the resources and the budget is vital for New York Marriott Downtown to show all of their competitive advantages that they have, more than the service for these particular hotel. Another aspect of the Marriott communications strategy is in their Website. Right in the first page on the bottom Marriott has "This Week's Top Offers" as they promote them. Marriott and Hertz the car company have a partnership that you can get a discount if you stay with Marriott. In the website there is a feature that makes it easy to rent the car at the same time that you are doing a reservation for any of Marriott Hotels.

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