Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ch. 7 - BUSINESS Marketing

New York Marriott Downtown.

For Marriott Hotel is important to know the stickiness of there website, to better serve their costumers. The General Marriott Hotel page goes right into asking the location, the date to transport to the page of the specific Hotel location. Marriott Hotel has a strategic alliance/ partnership with Bill's Bar and Starbucks. When visiting the website to book a room for the New York Marriott Downtown location, the main principals advertising/pictures that you see right in the website are Bill's Bar traditional New York Hamburger, then the hotel gym and Starbucks. These speak a lot about the partnership that Marriott Hotel has with these two brands. Instead of showing the rooms or other important characteristics of the Hotel, the first thing that is show to the costumers are these two famous brands that the hotel has partnership with. In the website Marriott writes "In Hotel Grab a cup of coffee at Starbucks in the comfortable yet elegant lobby of our World Trade Center hotel, or fuel up for fun at Bill's Bar and Burger open for breakfast, lunch and dinner." Is a promotion for both sides, because Marriott wants to show that the hotel has the traditional NYC, for a full NYC experience.
For Marriott is very important the relationship commitment with Starbucks and Bill's Bar because these two brand, specially Starbucks is a American famous brand. Everyone loves Starbucks and for any traveler and tourist you can try the coffee or is your place were you get your coffee how you like it. Is known everywhere and becoming a traditional place to go. That's why is important for both the Marriott Hotel is a plus to have Starbucks right there and also for Starbucks is good deal to have their shop at Marriott Hotel.

Ch. 11- Developing and Managing Products

New York Marriott Downtown Hotel.

Marriott hotel has a different Product life cycle than the normal one. For a hotel the cycle depends on the seasons of that particular hotel, location, and time of year. A hotel in Miami were is sunny all the time the product life cycle will be different than that of a hotel in New York.
New York is a city that has different seasons throughout the year which plays a big role in the product cycle of New York Marriott Downtown Hotel. In the winter from January-March the reservations are low the hotel is in a introductory and decline stage. That's because is winter, is really cold  there is snow in the city, the festivities/vacations/holidays just past, and is not a touristic time of year. In the Spring from April-May the hotel is a growth stage because the sells increase and the price increases too. Delays in the improvement of the weather can result in lost for the hotel. Its a nice weather and the city has more attractions to offer. In the summer form June-August the hotel reaches the maturity stage, the highest stage of the hotel and the price increases. That's because its vacations, the climate is great, the city is at its greater time of year, all the attractions are offered that's when all the tourist come to the city. In August the sales begin to decline substantially. In the fall, September-November the sells go on a decline stage. There are changes in each season that goes from one stage to another, but over all the hotel has a set stage for each season. From November-December the sales has a increase as of a introductory stage because of the festivities and how the city celebrates with the different attractions. These measurments are with respect to the customers that visit the city and the location as a tourist, it does not include the customers that come for business purposes. 

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and TARGETING Markets


Marriott Hotel

The Market for Marriott Hotels and other luxury hotels is mainly base in income, these hotels offer luxury base services and products. Compare to other hotels that offer the basic services, Marriott is directed to upper middle class and upper class market. And that is the basis of the market that Marriott deals with, Marriott hotel offer more that the basic services, while in other hotels the food is normal, Marriott customers wants began food, vegetarians, organic, healthy, special dishes, the chef specialty, salads, different drinks, healthy shots, these are just some of the special products and services that the market of Marriott wants, can afford and is willing to pay. Marriott has different markets that share the need and want of special products, that they are available and willing to pay for the special commodities that they are seeking for. For Marriott is essential to have a good service and provide the commodities but is also necessary to provide the products that their customers wants and expects. Marriott not only has different markets within the same country. Marriott has locations all around the world and with in each country Marriott has to coupled to the markets in those countries. The services that are offer in a hotel in New York are absolutely not acceptable in another country.

#TravelwithMarriott #Travel #Marriott #MarriottRoldan #RoldanMarriott #Business #College #University #NewYorkMarriottDowntownLeslieRoldan #NewYorkMarriottDowntownLR

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ch. 15- Marketing Communications

 Marriott Hotel

Marriott Hotel uses the concepts of promotion, competitive advantage and mass communication as their plan to reach to its market. For Marriott is very important to show and advertise their competitive advantage. For advertising Marriott always uses their fines hotels around the world, Marriott always likes to show the innovations, the new infrastructure, attractions as the main ingredient of the advertising. These advertising of massive, elegant, innovated, and hotels in landmarks, creates as well a feeling of trust and the sense of a hotel that you will find anywhere, that you can make it yours for travel all around the world. In New York Marriott Downtown is critical in the advertising and communication campaign, to show what makes these hotel different and one of the most important hotels for Marriott. Is in New York City, in the heart of the financial industry, has the view of million dollars, and is close to Wall Street, to the 9/11 Memorial. To make a good use of the resources and the budget is vital for New York Marriott Downtown to show all of their competitive advantages that they have, more than the service for these particular hotel. Another aspect of the Marriott communications strategy is in their Website. Right in the first page on the bottom Marriott has "This Week's Top Offers" as they promote them. Marriott and Hertz the car company have a partnership that you can get a discount if you stay with Marriott. In the website there is a feature that makes it easy to rent the car at the same time that you are doing a reservation for any of Marriott Hotels.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

New York Marriott Downtown

New York Marriott Downtown is a specialty product, because it has features that other hotel does not have. Is a hotel that is in the financial district of the world. Its location is a privilege one, is located near important attractions, business companies, and has the view of a million dollars. The hotel is meant for the tourists and is also a hotel for business people it serves both well, is great for business and pleasure. Is a location that is more expensive than other hotels in general, and also within the brand of Marriott, is more expensive. That is because is a product that is different to other Hotels. The location for this hotel means and cost a lot and that is reflected in the price and service. Is located right in the heart of the city most important companies. Is near the statue of liberty, the World Trade Center, Mall, many other important attractions.

These hotel also attracts another sub-group of people, the shopping tourist, these is a new model that is growing in certain cities around the world. The people that come to visit and also to buy good here because they are cheaper here compare to their countries. The people that come to buy things for them self's and also to sell. This hotel is ideal for those customers that come for those purposes and does not have to travel around the city to do their shopping.
These hotel is one of a kind it has all the attractions at its food steps, it has it all, because of the vast of things that you can do here, that is why is one of the most representative and important hotel for Marriott. 

Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

Marriott Hotel

Marriott hotel also uses the personal selling as a important part of the selling. For those customers that are more comfortable speaking person to person and not dealing with a machine, the company has their representatives always available. If you have any questions or concerns about choosing a hotel or the hotel you want to go to, there is always a line waiting for your call. In concerns of planing a event in the hotel the sales person management is always available with the best disposition to assist their customers.  Marriott Hotel uses different kinds of sales managements concepts as customer-centric, interaction, learning, campaign management. Marriott Hotel is always seeking to enhance customer relationship and satisfaction for long term, trust, frequent relationship.
The Hotel is concentrated always in what their customers want, need, expect and went they want them. Marriott Hotel is known and their  business is to offer a up scle hotel service. The hotel customers are a strict in what they want and how mush are they are willing to pay for the luxury service that they demand.
Marriott is always seeking for the opinion and what is trending, what's on the up or the down. Marriott had to remodel must of the hotels because something that was need it and expected for, now is. With technology everything changes and more and more the life stile of the people. Now in the waiting room, meetings rooms, bars and restaurants people need and expect there to be charger and a place to plug the phone to charge it. This may sound simple but for these, it was need a reconstruction and a redesign of the hotels in general, just to accommodate to the customers.

 With more and more people following the trend to be healthy and to eat better, hotels don't just need a gym and "healthy" options, but a new concept. Marriott Hotel has started these campaign to be more healthy and offer a creative new concept of FAST FOOD for the growing demand that healthy has now. They advertise this campaign in the hotels that they offer these and also in the website. In the Campaign they say that "We worked with start-up Farmer’s Fridge to bring a real traveler's Concept TO LIFE.
Marriott is selling these campaign with two big trends right now, farmers food that are more healthy, fresh,not organic, and healthy on the go.
Marriott has in there website a list of the innovations that they are doing,. The Hotel has also an new social network for customers with similar interests is called MIT/MEL Partnership, and also bring to selected hotels a new machine that is like a virtual life perspective.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion.

Marriott Hotels when it comes to advertising use different technics to advertise different components of the company, service and always encasing the brand name.

Marriott uses the institutional advertising as a regular component of the advertising campaing always. 
Marriott Hotel always advertise the company name, the brand to enhance the company image. Marriott is always pushing the name, because that give the costumer to have the brand present and also have that feeling about the brand. Everything that comes after that initial feeling just goes along. And that is a good use of the resources that the brand has because when you advertise the name you are also advertising in general all the hotels. Is also true that the company has to advertise specific hotels as part of the advertising campaign
For Marriott hotel is important to advertise for the different services, etc. For Marriott is vital to advertise about the brand. For a big company as Marriott to invest in just advertising one hotel is not productive and will be a bad decision that will bad use of the company resources, and that also depends of the district hotel and if that hotel is the only one in that sector, things may change. Marriott hotel ha to advertise in two main stages, one campaign globally and another more sector to sector. Over all is more important to keep

advertising the company name.
Marriott hotels also advertise the feeling, the emotion, as well a the luxury, the business, and the creative. Marriott advertise broadly and also specific.