Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ch. 11- Developing and Managing Products

New York Marriott Downtown Hotel.

Marriott hotel has a different Product life cycle than the normal one. For a hotel the cycle depends on the seasons of that particular hotel, location, and time of year. A hotel in Miami were is sunny all the time the product life cycle will be different than that of a hotel in New York.
New York is a city that has different seasons throughout the year which plays a big role in the product cycle of New York Marriott Downtown Hotel. In the winter from January-March the reservations are low the hotel is in a introductory and decline stage. That's because is winter, is really cold  there is snow in the city, the festivities/vacations/holidays just past, and is not a touristic time of year. In the Spring from April-May the hotel is a growth stage because the sells increase and the price increases too. Delays in the improvement of the weather can result in lost for the hotel. Its a nice weather and the city has more attractions to offer. In the summer form June-August the hotel reaches the maturity stage, the highest stage of the hotel and the price increases. That's because its vacations, the climate is great, the city is at its greater time of year, all the attractions are offered that's when all the tourist come to the city. In August the sales begin to decline substantially. In the fall, September-November the sells go on a decline stage. There are changes in each season that goes from one stage to another, but over all the hotel has a set stage for each season. From November-December the sales has a increase as of a introductory stage because of the festivities and how the city celebrates with the different attractions. These measurments are with respect to the customers that visit the city and the location as a tourist, it does not include the customers that come for business purposes. 

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